Kobe: Hey Conor, have you ever had to deal with a free sample of a rental lease agreement when setting up one of your businesses?

Conor: No, I have people to handle that for me. But I have had to sign a contingency recruiting placement fee agreement when hiring new team members for my gym.

Kobe: Interesting. Hey, have you ever wondered if medical deductibles are tax deductible?

Conor: I leave all the tax stuff to my accountant. But speaking of legal matters, do you know where to find the best intellectual property law books in India? I want to educate myself on that topic.

Kobe: I don’t, but I’m sure there are resources out there for that. By the way, have you ever had to deal with consumer law protection complaints in any of your business ventures?

Conor: Not personally, but my legal team has definitely navigated through those waters. Have you ever looked into the general relief requirements for those in need of legal aid?

Kobe: No, I haven’t. But I’ve heard it’s crucial to understand those criteria. Oh, and speaking of legal advice, have you ever considered the legal implications of a placement year when hiring interns for your businesses?

Conor: I haven’t given that much thought, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind. Hey, shifting gears a bit, do you know the forklift operator requirements in various jurisdictions?

Kobe: I don’t, but it’s important to stay updated on those regulations. Finally, have you ever researched how to make a 125cc dirt bike street legal in certain areas?

Conor: No, I haven’t. But I’m sure there are legal processes to follow for that. It’s always important to abide by the law. Speaking of which, have you ever read the rule of law book to understand the principles that govern societies?

Kobe: I haven’t, but that sounds like an insightful read. We should both look into it. Thanks for the chat, Conor.

Conor: Anytime, Kobe. Always good to have these conversations. Take care!