Among them I choose jshint as basic linter, since it’s fast, widely used (which means good community support), and not bothering that much like jslint. You may need a .jshintrc file under your project to make it recognizing es6 features or browserify. Basically jshint is a good validator to keep the code in good style. I was happy with YCM but couldn’t make it work with some of the features I needed.

Users of MacOS and Linux should be able to replicate this setup in MacVim and terminal VIM. With react I managed to get a similar workflow with coc-tsserver by setting filetype to typescript.tsx (if it’s set as typescript only Vim doesn’t recognize the html inside typescript or JavaScript). These are two plugins for improving the visual style of Vim. Indentline adds vertical lines to easily show indent levels, and vim-jsx-pretty highlights JSX code for when you are for example working with ReactJS.

My .vimrc

Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Konstantin. The second one has also a ctrlb shortcut to switch between buffers. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to 2nthony. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Nice and good loking status bar for vim, nicely integrated with syntastic and fugitive.

  • But there is no autosuggestions and linting and of course any intelligent refactoring/go_to_definition possibilities.
  • Note that I made a conditional to detect if the terminal emulator is Apple’s one.
  • All of the people that so far argue about not using Vim, seems to me that they are not Linux users, everything they think cannot be made with Vim is just a couple of commands away in a terminal.
  • My goal for this post is to share the customizations I have implemented in order to efficiently use Vim as my main editor for web development projects.
  • I rarely ever manually create sessions or windows because of this program.

If you’re working inside Linux (and you should), you can create an alias to simplify the process of running the server. Open up your .bashrc file inside your home folder and add the following. After installing browser-sync we can run it inside any folder in our system and it will create a local server (automatically displaying the default index.html file you have in the folder).


You’ll learn the basics of editing and even know how to exit VIM. Go deeper with navigation, macros, registers, find, and replaces. Then edit your vimrc plugins along with quickfix lists. Lastly, see ThePrimeagen demonstrate his ideal VIM workflow. In my setup I have
a templates folder that contains predefined templates for new files(config can be found in templates.vim). So once I create new js file it already contains that comment.

vim for FrontEnd Development

There are some good tips in this article… All of the people that so far argue about not using Vim, seems to me that they are not Linux users, everything they think cannot be made with Vim is just a couple of commands away in a terminal. Since I posted this I have truly tried hard to think of something that an IDE can do that is imposible to do in Linux with a combination of tools like tmux and vim. Well, my config now has pretty much reduced to Coc + ALE, so there are not many plugins I use lol; so no, I haven’t seen any plugin conflicts. It sounds more complicated than it really is, we just need to install and run browser-sync inside our project folder.

Opening a project

The command above will run Prettier and format the file whenever you save the file. This helps a lot, as I spend less time pressing Tab to indent code. Look for “NERD Fonts” on the internet, and you’ll find plenty of them. The way to install fonts on the system varies a lot depending on the operating system, and I won’t go into details here.

vim for FrontEnd Development

Some parts of the README and the .vimrc file have been copied from there and might not be working here yet. Either intentional, so the README should be updated, or not, so the .vimrc file should be updated. Inspired by this vim config but started from scratch again and
evaluated each plugin again to see if alternatives exist. For macOS and Linux, the Neovim config file is located in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim. Unflagging konstantin will restore default visibility to their posts.

Vim Markdown

Please note, that if you use it in visual mode, it will automatically highlight selected line(s). Unflagging 2nthony will restore default visibility to their posts. Once unpublished, all posts by 2nthony will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. I’ve just got off stage at A Berlin where I decided to give a talk to the very design-centric crowd about how they could make use of Vim in their day-to-day work. I was keen not to bore them with too much in the way of fundamentals, or ‘the Vim way’, so I dove right in with specific examples of problems and Vim’s solutions. I was also less focused on being technically correct, but more on being correct enough to make sense.

vim for FrontEnd Development

If it was for insert mode it would be inoremap, vnoremap for visual mode and so on. Basically it’s saying which theme to use and if you want to use “Powerline” mode, which are these lines with arrow shapes. That’s why there are several alternatives to NetRW, and the most famous one is NERDTree, which I use in my main configuration. I have all of key features mapped for quick and easy access. The keys I use for these mappings are just personal preference, and should be customized per user.

Plugins I use

Also, you will probably need to set up these plugins. For information check my config below and check documentation for each plugin. That’s what the quickfix window is for, so you can easily jump between errors. You don’t usually paste in a line from an error log to the command arguments themselves. You just need to place .vimrc in your home directory, and that’s all. All
plugins and dependencies will install automatically upon first vim launch.

The Syntastic checker offers no opportunity to open the “checkType” option. Gjslint as linter of closure compiler doesn’t contain type check. There’s a promising project tern-lint, which validates code based on TernJs’s type inference system. Currently its functionalities are still very limited. For general between-file jumping, ctrlp and NERDTree are essential. Projectionist seems quite promising but I haven’t invest time to configure it.